Option 1:

  1. Click on forgot password.
  2. Enter the email address you used when you signed up and click submit.
  3. An email will be sent to your email address with the verification code.
  4. Input your email address and the verification code that you received, then click submit.
  5. Enter your new password and confirm, then click submit.
  6. Wait for the confirmation on the screen that your password has been successfully reset.
  7. Log in with your email and new password.

Option 2:

  1. Contact chat support via the chat back on the website.
  2. Request for a temporary password.
  3. Login using the temporary password.
  4. Go to ‘Manage Membership’ and click ‘Account information’
  5. Enter your new password and tick on ‘Update’
  6. Wait for the ‘Success’ notification and you’re all set.